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Virtual office for education system employees

  • Project Category: Classcom.uz
  • Year of Project: 2023

classcom.uz - Innovative educational platform

Project description:

classcom.uz is an innovative educational platform designed to optimize and improve the distance learning process. Our team successfully implemented the project, creating a convenient and functional system for students and teachers.


Project goals:

- Development of an intuitive interface for all users
- Integration of modern educational technologies
- Ensuring safe access to educational materials
- Creating tools for effective interaction between students and teachers

Main functions:

- Video conferencing: Possibility of conducting online lessons and lectures using video conferencing
- Electronic educational materials: Access to electronic textbooks, presentations and other educational resources
- Interactive tasks: Development and execution of interactive tasks and tests
- Forums and chats: Tools for communication and discussion of educational materials between students and teachers
- Performance Management: Tools to track student performance and progress


Thanks to the classcom.uz platform, educational institutions have the opportunity to effectively organize distance learning, ensuring high quality of the educational process. The platform was highly appreciated by users for its convenience and functionality.



Frontend: React, RTK Query

Backend: Python, Django

Database: PostgreSQL

Hosting: Your own virtual server VDS/VPS


Customer review:

"Working with the Felix ITS team was productive and pleasant. They took into account all our wishes and created a platform that meets our requirements and expectations. We are pleased with the result and recommend them as a reliable partner."



The classcom.uz platform demonstrates our experience and competencies in developing complex information systems for educational institutions. We are ready to implement similar projects for other clients, ensuring high quality and reliability of our solutions.